Passion is the first reason.
If you’re reading this email, there are chances that aviation is one of your passion too
And I’m fascinated how it can drive us on a daily basis : passion can let us spend hours on an activity, without having any time consciousness;
Without the passion of aviation, and the will to be able to spot (model) planes whenever I want, I would have never started such a project and be motivated enough to build it.
It helped me getting started.
Art is the second reason.
I love being creative. It encourages focus and helps developing ideas.
Paintings and drawings are my favorite arts. I took several classes when I was a child, I acquired some skills, and I wanted to use them in a project dear to my heart.
I love architecture as well. Monuments, big structures, bridges, and… terminals of course !
Pleasure of being creative helped me not to give up, bringing me always new ideas to enhance this project.
Community is the third reason.
When I started posting pictures on Instagram in early 2018, and see my very first positive comment, I was so happy.
It encouraged me to keep going, posting pictures on a regular basis, add value to my airport, and benefit from the follower’s feedback.
I talked with other model airport creators, we shared ideas, advice. I was inspired by some of their work.
I was much more motivated than when I started alone in my room, honestly. And I encourage you to be part of Facebook groups, or have a look at some Instagram accounts, it’s really inspiring.
Business is being recently a fourth reason.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, and the containment in France, I took the opportunity of this spare time to start a little business around my passion, and make my diorama look more professional.
It has been giving me a bunch of new ideas, and I’m feeling like I’m starting a new project from scratch.
On top of that, it forces me to work on my English !
And you, what are the reasons of your projects ?
Leave a comment to tell me !
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